Yangi yil ingliz tilida sherlar bolajonlar uchun
Bolajonlar uchun yangi yil sherlari ingliz va o’zbek tilida. Sherlarni yodlab oling va boshqalarga ulashing.
Yangi yil Ingliz tilida sherlar
Happy New Year
By John P. Read
Brush away old heartaches.
Learn from our mistakes.
Another year is finally over.
A new dawn awakes.
Let the old year out.
Welcome the new one in.
Bury the bad things of the past
As a new year now begins.
Make your New Year wishes
As simple as you can.
Pray for peace and love,
Not for wealth or fame.
Pray for health and happiness.
Pray for your fellow man.
Pray for all the ones you love.
Pray for those who’ve lost their way.
As the midnight year chimes,
We leave the old and embrace the new.
I wish for the things you wish for yourself,
And may God’s love stay with you.
Tavsiya etamiz : Yangi yil o’zbekcha sherlar
New Year
By Somya
With a new beginning and fresh start,
Full of inspiration and positive thoughts,
Let’s begin this year with an optimistic thought.
Gone are the days of regret and guilt,
Those rooms are full of darkness.
It’s time to move with courage,
Full of confidence and hope.
Let’s begin this year with an optimistic thought.
New Years Resolutions
Just think, think, think,
Of things you can do,
To make yourself better,
Before the year’s through,
Resolutions can be tough,
Or simple as can be,
Making resolutions,
Are great for you and me!
5о what will you promise,
To help yourself my dear?
Through 2013,
Have a happy new year!
Hooray! Hooray!
It’s New Year’s Day!
The day we start anew.
5o this year I ’ve decided
to become a kangaroo.
Or maybe I will learn to fly,
Or how to walk through walls,
or how to turn invisible,
or surf on waterfalls.
I ’llmakemyself elastic
and I ’ll teach myself to shrink.
I ’ll turn into a liquid
and I ’ll pour me down the sink.
I ’ll visit other planets
and meet aliens galore
I ’lltravelto the distant past
and ride a dinosaur.
I ’ve got so many wondrous plans.
I ’m starting right away.
Yes, this will be the best year yet.
Hooray! It’s Mew Year’s Day!
Happy, Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best,
Great work to reach your fondest goals,
And when you’re done, sweet rest.
We hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace and more,
A brighter, better new year than
You’ve ever had before.
The biggest night of the year
To say goodbye to the past
And bring in the new with cheer
Surrounded by family and
Friends so dear-
Memories are made to last
Throughout our forthcoming years
At the birth of each New Year
God lights a candle for us all
To give guidance in our lives
To see his children free from fall
As the wonder of time
Finally strikes twelve
We celebrate together
New Year’s first hours.
Tavsiya etamiz : Yangi yil o’zbekcha sherlar